Women In Energy Conference

October 27th was truly a reinvigorating day, as the 4th Annual Women IN Energy conference of which I am the cofounder exceeded our expectations! I’ll let one attendee speak for themself: WIEC is an incredible opportunity to connect with other women in the energy industry. The speakers are fantastic and refreshing.”

We welcomed nearly 270 participants, representing over 45 companies. This celebration of diversity and inclusion in the Energy industry is an example of how the digital employee experience transcends beyond technology and touches the lives of humans in all industries.

I am grateful for the phenomenal WIEC Committee members who were vital in the planning and success of this event. A special “Thank You” to all of our Amazing sponsors, your support and contributions is greatly appreciated.

Can’t wait to see what the 5th Annual celebration has in store in 2023!


Reflections on 2022


Healed at Hello: Guiding Future Leaders at the YounG Women’s College Preparatory Academy